iPad Apps

Karen Lirenman recently spoke with us about iPad apps.  Karen was sure to explain to us that it is important to use technology for practical means.  Tech should be used to amplify what you are already doing, to make good work even better.  She discouraged the use of tech for techs sake.  This is to say that often apps are used in drill and practice when a more effective method might involve real world manipulatives.  In this case the use of tech can create a negative impact.

I agree with this sentiment in a general sense and as a best practice, however I have seen individual cases where the tech became the singular motivator for student engagement.  While this situation is neither ideal nor intended to be long-lived, at the point I observed it was the only successful way for the student to tackle the curriculum.  Beyond the starting point, real progress was observed with this individual student.  I am not sure this particular situation even qualifies as a tech for tech’s sake as the student refused all other modes of learning, however it may not be the most effective practise.

Tech can be very engaging, but to truly be worth while it must practically enhance the learning process for students.

In my practice I will investigate and involve tech that enhances curricula and be careful not to use it for its own sake.  I will be sure that there is a practical value inherent to the tech that I employ and most of all evaluate its effectiveness as a learning tool.

One Response

  • Great reflection Big Z!

    I like your takeaways, and it’s awesome that you drew upon your perspective from your own real-world experience. I also think it’s important that, as you mention, that might not have been the most effective method for that student, just the one that was found. Evaluating the effectiveness of our teaching practices is what I believe to be the most important thing for our own growth.


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