The Ozobot system is woderful. I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun with like minded intelligent people. My group and I were laughing and learning, exploring and coding and pushing boundaries at the same time. Needless to say the Ozobot creates engagement in spades.
I find the way Ozobot codes information to be brilliant. The Ozobot derives coding from the complex nature of a text base code to a simplistic protocol of three colours. The sequence in which the colours are presented, in three colour segments, alleviates any anti-tech phobias one may harbour. The Ozobot’s primary funtion is to traverse any continuouse line braud enough for it to be regestered by Ozobot’s sensors. The line can curve etc. By sequencing blue, red and green in particular orders, on the line, one can command Ozobot to undertake a plethera of functions. Adding sound effects can be a fun way to extend coding from the physical to the auditory.
I am going to explore Ozobot as a medium for introducing coding during my practicum. I have deemed that with Ozobot their needs to be a significant level of instruction and scaffolding. Paramaters, guidance and structure will be needed in order to create a functional successful lesson.